Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Freedom

When I see people in Iran fighting for freedom.It makes me realize how much take for granted here. In America as a Muslim woman I have the choice to cover(wear a scarf)Which I proudly do.
There is no one here who is going to put my in jail if I would choose not to. Or as in Turkey
tell me I cannot wear it in government buildings including hospitals. I am free to protest what I feel is wrong here. There are no police throwing me in jail me for not believing
in the status qua. I do not have to be murdered. Poor Nada was murdered So many useless
killings. They still fight for there right for there vote to count. For true freedom. Indeed for
there religion to be followed the way it was created. Guess that is really why I have become so interested in what is going on in Iran. I pray that one day they have the freedom I enjoy.
I am learning that life truly is a cycle. I am now taking care of my Mom. Or
I should say making an attempt too. You sit and watch all those news programs
about all the families that are dealing with this sitution. You think how sad.
Now I know it is sad and hard. I hear all this talk about goverment insurance.
Well if meidicade is any indication then we are headed for major problems.
The rules and red tape. Even finding answers is impossible. I worry about our
elderly who don't have a family to help. They have to be lost.