Sunday, April 5, 2009

Well the storm is beginning. Right now it is sleeting. They say next it will be the snow.
In fact they are saying that we could have up to 6 inches. As early as it is starting it
looks like that may be the case. I am planning on staying home warm under the
blanket I just finished. I am thinking on my next project. Crocheting keeps me
busy and makes me feel better. My stress relief.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Trying not to let being sick take over. I know that a hiatal hernia is better then other things that
it could be. It still freaks me out. Surgery putting my stomach back where it goes. The doctor finding something else on the ultra sound. Not telling me what it was. Been brave but not always easy to do. I have 2 medical test down and 2 more to go. Of course without insurance have to go to the University hospital where they fit me in. So the rest of the tests are not until May 13. Long time to wait.