Sunday, September 6, 2009

Um Stuff

Had to handle a lot lately. You know what I have handled it pretty well. To be sure there are
times that I maybe lost it a little. Which I know happens to everyone. I am proud of the way I
have not added drama to the drama. Think I have finally figured out who I am. You know
what I like me. I am Muslim I know that that has helped me a lot on my journey to me.
Taking time for me has helped too. Finally realizing that I am worth my own time and energy
gave me a big boost!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It may seem strange(OK maybe not if you knew me.)Tinkerbell is one of my hero's. Yes I know she isn't real. Or so I hear..........Look at what the small pixie does. It's her that saves Peter Pan,gets him out of trouble he gets into. She even took on Captain Hook. She never sees her size as a handicap indeed she uses it. She can be sweet and sassy. Jealous too. In the end Wendy went home and where did Peter go?? Back to Never land and Tinkerbell. She let him go know the saying!!!!This is why a 46 year old women has a collection of Tinkerbell stuff. One of the few memories of my birth father I have is the day he told me that being small was cool............................just like Tinkerbell. Now at 4' 11" as I climb on a footstool I think of Tink!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

In My Room

Funny how little things change. I am sitting in my pink room. My own space. Just like I did when I was in high school and collage. It's my own space. My place to be me. Now at 46 it is the same. Away from the day. Glad I have it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Freedom

When I see people in Iran fighting for freedom.It makes me realize how much take for granted here. In America as a Muslim woman I have the choice to cover(wear a scarf)Which I proudly do.
There is no one here who is going to put my in jail if I would choose not to. Or as in Turkey
tell me I cannot wear it in government buildings including hospitals. I am free to protest what I feel is wrong here. There are no police throwing me in jail me for not believing
in the status qua. I do not have to be murdered. Poor Nada was murdered So many useless
killings. They still fight for there right for there vote to count. For true freedom. Indeed for
there religion to be followed the way it was created. Guess that is really why I have become so interested in what is going on in Iran. I pray that one day they have the freedom I enjoy.
I am learning that life truly is a cycle. I am now taking care of my Mom. Or
I should say making an attempt too. You sit and watch all those news programs
about all the families that are dealing with this sitution. You think how sad.
Now I know it is sad and hard. I hear all this talk about goverment insurance.
Well if meidicade is any indication then we are headed for major problems.
The rules and red tape. Even finding answers is impossible. I worry about our
elderly who don't have a family to help. They have to be lost.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Well the storm is beginning. Right now it is sleeting. They say next it will be the snow.
In fact they are saying that we could have up to 6 inches. As early as it is starting it
looks like that may be the case. I am planning on staying home warm under the
blanket I just finished. I am thinking on my next project. Crocheting keeps me
busy and makes me feel better. My stress relief.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Trying not to let being sick take over. I know that a hiatal hernia is better then other things that
it could be. It still freaks me out. Surgery putting my stomach back where it goes. The doctor finding something else on the ultra sound. Not telling me what it was. Been brave but not always easy to do. I have 2 medical test down and 2 more to go. Of course without insurance have to go to the University hospital where they fit me in. So the rest of the tests are not until May 13. Long time to wait.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Came back spring

I am in search of spring. Have you seen it. Here in Iowa it seems to have ran away.
Looking out my window all I see is white,white not green. It is the end of March
and what do we have SNOW. That is a four letter word. I really think spring went
to both coasts. I know that there is more there but we have cool things here too.
Come back to Iowa spring.If you have seen spring give it a push we are missing

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just beginning

Ok I haven't blogged in  a long time. In fact I hadn't thought about for a long time.Then 
I checked out my niece's. It was great to see how she is doing. So I thought it would be
fun to blog too. No news will wait to share after I see the Dr. again and after the tests.
Waiting is the hardest I am so tired of being sick. I hate not being able to eat or drink
what I want. Not being able to swallow is scary.